20 October 1920 – 2 February 2021

At her 96th Birthday celebration, all guests were asked to equip themselves with some note paper on which they would share memories of what Mrs Ross had taught them over the many years they had known her together with a few thoughts on the impact her life had had on each person. I had never itemised such a list, but the thought of her impact on my life seemed to grow and grow. There was just so much that we had learned from her.

  • I learned that humility was encapsulated in the way she treated others.
  • I learned that the love she had for Jesus was what she wanted us to experience.
  • I learned that her life was dedicated to helping others come to a saving knowledge of Christ.
  • I came to realise that what she stood for was real. There was no pretence.
  • She was there for all of us 24/7.
  • I had never met such person before.

Her daily life displayed so much of the reality of the great commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbour as thyself.

The influence Mrs Ross had on our lives was immense. Her warm smile may be gone, and her hand we cannot touch, but what she has left behind will never be forgotten. God has her in His keeping, and we have her in our hearts.

She gave us years of teaching, comfort and support, and helped us understand life and encouraged us to persevere.
She gave us direction and sound advice. Such gifts from her, we will forever treasure. What can we say but Thank You! Thank You! from the bottom of our hearts!

Dear friend, we miss you greatly.

Posted in Tributes.


  1. Many thanks, Jon and Marcy!
    Again your love and support for my folks has been unparalleled and your kind memories and words have been truly special.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts again – much appreciated!
    Hope I get to spend some time with you when you come over again – please let me know if advance so I can take leave etc.
    PS: I have not retired and am not sure when I will – God has led me to stay on at work for now – will share more with you when I see you.
    God bless!

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