Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Hebrews 13:7

20 October 1920 – 2 February 2021

Virginia Ross was born in Philadelphia in the USA in 1920. She heard the Gospel for the first time when she was 18 years old, and chose to go to Bible School and into the ministry instead of college, much to the dismay of her family!
After serving the Lord for 10 years in the States she left for Africa.
On board ship she met Archie, her future husband, and they were married 18 months later in Northern Rhodesia, where together they served the Lord for 18 years.
During that time the Lord blessed them with four children, and in 1967 they moved to Southern Rhodesia to a place called Bulawayo (The Place of Blood).
In 1981 they moved to Johannesburg South Africa and finally immigrated to America in 1991, having spent a total of 42 years in Africa.
Sadly, in 1996 Archie suffered a stroke and never walked again. After caring for him for 6 years they moved back to South Africa and settled in Cape Town, where 3 years later Archie entered into the prescence of the Lord.
Virginia then moved into a retirement home where she became very active in visiting, counselling and speaking and befriending those who wanted to hear her life story and to know more about her Saviour. During this time she had her book published.

LAND OF MY HEART – Love letters from Africa.

She drove her own car, used a cell phone and was very active on the computer, corresponding with people all over the world by email, and even had a strong following on Facebook.
On 20th October 2020, Virginia reached the milestone birthday of 100 years old! The local newspaper took up her story and published an article highlighting her amazing life.
When asked for her secret for longevity, she replied:

Oh, there’s no secret, all you have to do is keep breathing!

Virginia loved to hear the story of Charles E. Fuller, a preacher who announced that the following week he would speak on the subject of Heaven. A few days later he received a letter from a man who was very ill, and this is what he wrote:

Next Sunday you are to talk about Heaven. I am interested in that land, because I have held a clear title to a bit of property there for over 55 years. I did not buy it. It was given to me without money and without price.
But the Donor purchased it for me at tremendous price and sacrifice. I am not holding it for speculation since the title is non-transferable. It is not a vacant lot. For more than half a century I have been sending materials out of which the greatest Architect and Builder of the Universe has been building a home for me which will never need to be remodelled nor repaired because it will suit me perfectly and will never grow old.
Termites can never undermine its foundations because they rest on the Rock of Ages. Fire can never destroy it. Floods can never wash it away. There are no locks and door bolts on any door.
My dwelling is almost completed and is ready for me to enter.
It will be a place where I can abide in eternal peace without fear of being ejected.
I became acquainted with the best Friend I ever had more than 55 years ago, and I hold His promise in writing never to forsake me or to leave me. That He would be with me through the valley of shadows and I would never lose my way.
I have proved that promise over and over, because I have been through many a valley of shadows and He has NEVER left me or forsaken me.
I hope to hear your sermon on Heaven next Sunday, but I cannot give you assurance that I will be there, because my ticket to Heaven has no date marked on it, and there is no return coupon attached, nor is there a baggage allowance.
Yes, I am ready to go! If I’m not there on Sunday, you’ll know where I am, and I shall meet you there some day.

There is no doubt that Virginia has had her ticket to Heaven for over 82 years, and during that time, she too has sent an enormous quantity of building materials on ahead. The fact that Jesus went ahead to prepare a place for her in Heaven became a reality in her life, proved over and over by her life’s work to love and serve her Saviour, who also promised never to leave her or forsake her.

  • She is not coming back!
  • We shall meet her again, there, someday!
  • A wonderful woman indeed.
  • We shall miss her terribly.

The verse of Scripture quoted above, reminds us all to remember those who taught the Scriptures to us, and for us to imitate their faith in our daily lives, and more importantly, to consider the outcome of their way of life.

We, who knew her personally, can only praise God and be thankful for the life of Mrs Ross. Let her life and testimony spur us on to spread the message of the wonderful gift of Salvation freely offered to all who will take Jesus at His word.

Aches and pains wrought havoc with her for many years, as many of you are aware, and yet the smile and warmth in her face and in her eyes told a different story which was one of love and great concern for the person visiting and sitting in front of her whilst she listened intently to what was being said, before dispensing words of great wisdom which came from one who had spent a lifetime getting to know Jesus and learning to love Him.

Every single person who came to visit her left with a better understanding of what God wanted in their lives, such was the warmth and love that permeated every fibre of her being.

At very least, they left with lots to think about!

  • Where would we all be if we did not know and serve the Lord? was one of her constant reminders to persevere, no matter what happens in life.
  • What choice do we have? Was another.
  • This earth on which we live is not our final resting place, it is our testing place! Was another.
  • God has prepared a place for us in Heaven-and what a wonderful place that will be. Yet another.
  • With, God does not make mistakes! Taking centre stage, because she believed it with all her heart.

Another amazing quality Mrs Ross possessed was to be relevant and current. She was at home when talking to and counselling young people, just as she was when dealing with those who were older.
I have heard countless people, both young and old, say just how much they loved her and valued her advice.

Even though our hearts ache, we can rejoice, knowing that she is where she wants to be and that she is with the Person she learnt to love so many years ago.
We have been enriched beyond measure for having known Mrs Ross and we are truly thankful and grateful for her life and for her testimony.
This is the prayer Virginia prayed every morning on waking, let us imitate her and pray likewise.

Oh, to be but emptier, lowlier,
Mean, unnoticed and unknown.
Unto God a vessel holier,
Filled with Christ and Christ alone.
Naught of earth to cloud the Glory,
Naught of self the light to dim,
Telling forth the wondrous story,
Broken, emptied and filled with Him.

To end off this tribute to Mrs Ross, I would like to reproduce a poem dedicated to her in 1991 by her husband Archie.

This little poem comes to you with a heart full of love for the most wonderful woman in the world. It is our RUBY anniversary (our fortieth) and I don’t forget that you are to me:


I’ve lived with a virtuous woman,
I’ve seen her virtuous heart,
I’ve watched her virtues blossom,
Even when we’re apart.
The leaves of her tree haven’t withered,
Ever green through the passing years.
From the fruit of her lips I’ve gathered,
Sweet produce of prayers and tears.
I’ve noted her care for others,
And rejoiced as she gave her all,
I’ve thrilled at her heart that mothers
Each child who is prone to fall.
I’ve sung as I’ve restfully seen her
Bring praise to her Master on high,
While others wished that they’d been her,
And I’ve called, “Whose more favoured than I?”
Yes I’m glad, O so glad, that God’s favour,
Has bonded us two into ONE,
And for decades I’ve known such sweet savour,
Yet I feel it has only begun.
I love you with all my heart,