A very warm welcome to all who are visiting this site.

There is no doubt that today’s world is filled with muddled thinking and utter confusion with most people not knowing what to believe any more or who to trust. We are bombarded daily by conflicting opinions on every subject imaginable in newspapers and on Television, all of which constantly vie for our attention. Information overload is what some have labelled it.
If this was not enough, there is a tremendous lust for self-awareness and self-love with an almost insatiable desire to heap upon ourselves new teachers, additional training courses, counselling classes and therapy.  It is amazing how bookshops are filling their shelves with volumes that encourage readers to ‘find themselves’ and to ‘realise their true potential’.
I saw a paperback advertised not so long ago, boldly informing me that with the power of my thoughts I can make anything I wish a reality! All I needed to do was to buy the book and learn how to harness its power.

The current world-wide pandemic and the resultant financial crisis has brought with it much heartache and misery as millions across the world lose their jobs and, as a consequence suffer tremendous hardships. Home life has suffered and as a result many marriages are failing because the main bread winners are unemployed and feel powerless, unwanted and worthless in the eyes of family and friends.
To add to these problems children argue with their parents and parents disagree with their children, who are taught from a very early age to question everything.
Students argue with their teachers and teachers argue with their students, with political parties setting the most appalling examples by arguing and fighting with each other and disagreeing on just about everything you can imagine. Prime Ministers Question Time in Parliament (which is televised) takes the prize for portraying political leaders, as it does, in the worst light imaginable.
The jeering, mocking and interruptions whilst others are talking are reminders of a circus act, with clowns to the left and jesters to the right.

There are many discussion programmes televised where groups of people sit around and discuss topics ranging from religious beliefs, tolerance, child abuse, knife crime, global warming (re-named Climate Change) and gang culture, to name but a few. Unfortunately these programmes always leave the viewing audience with more questions than answers.

Questions are dime a dozen and it is finding the right answers that is the challenge, and with so many questions left unanswered, is it any wonder that most people have given up thinking and pondering the real issues of life.

It is my sincere prayer and desire that this Site will be used to nudge people into thinking about life.
When I say think, I mean really think! and to ask questions like:

  • Where did we come from and where do we go when we die?
  • Is there a Heaven and is there a Hell?
  • If there is, what must I do and how do I do it?

I also want to share with you why I decided to become a Christian and why I decided to put my trust in Jesus Christ.

There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man, woman and child which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus Christ –
Blaise Pascal

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Philippians 4:8